You or I Could Have Built THIS App!

And we would be making $150,000 a month if we did!

Do you ever have an idea pop in your head for a new app to build?

Usually, when this happens, we dismiss it because there is “probably already an app like this out there.”

But the truth is that most new apps that surface aren’t new concepts.

They’re similar to other apps out there, but they either do the job better OR with a more narrow and niche focus.

So then, why don’t you build the app?

It would be a great learning experience, a way to get better at “architecting” a codebase, and would give you a live, production app to maintain.

AND, it could make you some good monthly recurring revenue.

Who knows where it could take you!

Here’s where it took one developer…

There’s this guy who created a starter app for businesses looking to launch an app on the fly.

When startups want to launch an app, or when Indie Hackers want to create a new one, a lot of work is involved to get off the ground.


  • Designing the app

  • Coding the app

  • Setting up a database

  • Setting up a payment processor (Stripe)

  • Setting up an email service

  • Setting up authentication

And then you remember that you have to build ANOTHER site just to market it.

And it becomes a lot of work. A lot more than you anticipated.

So, what this guy did was build a Next.js application that had everything needed to launch an app on the fly...

ALL the configurations for payments, auth, email, databases, etc. ready to go.

And he now sells access to the codebase and makes GOOD money from it.

Because he has shaved off weeks of work for anyone looking to launch an app!

And YOU or I could have built this thing!

Here’s the story:


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