Why Great Devs DON'T Create Content...

If they have all this knowledge and real world experience, why do they not share it with us all?

When I first learned to code I wanted to share everything I was learning.

So I created a blog, a YouTube channel, and I went full speed ahead with content.

And in doing so, I received a LOT of pushback for it.

"He's a newbie, he's NOT a real developer, he doesn't have any experience!"

And I always responded, "Well … the great, experienced developers aren't creating content! I'm just trying to fill in the gaps by giving back what I'm learning along the way."

However…as the years have passed since that time, I've come to learn why many great developers DON'T create content.

In my newly published video, I’ll not only explain WHY I think this is the case, but I’ll also explain why the answer is important for us all.

Watch it here or start the video below.


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