Introducing...the Imposter Devs Community!

A place for "non-traditional," self-taught developers to thrive!

Heads up…My Coding Community for “non-traditional,” self-taught devs, is now open again!

Last year I created the Travis Media Community as a place where we self-taught developers can fill the gaps in our learning, make mistakes, learn industry skills, and grow as developers together…in community.

Upon suggestions from the community to make certain features better, I ran into roadblocks due to the platform I chose to run it on.

Thus, in December I paused the community and completely rebuilt the app, from scratch. And in the process, I ended up rebranding it completely to the…

Imposter Devs Community!

What is Imposter Devs?

I'm glad you asked! Here’s the newly released video explaining everything…

Pricing is 50% off for the next few days, and there’s even a way to get a FREE lifetime membership. All the details are in the video:

Hit reply if you have any questions or send an email to [email protected].



or to participate.