A Skill New Developers Need To Learn

As new developers, we end up saying ‘Yes’ to everything, especially when it comes from senior developers.

As new developers, we end up saying ‘Yes’ to everything, especially when it comes from senior developers.

We want to look competent, we want to appear as if we aren’t AT ALL lost or struggling. (As if we are all on the same skill levels 🙄)

But in doing so, we aren’t being honest. We also WILL fail to meet the time estimates that we agreed to.

In reality, though, it won’t put you in any danger by simply saying, “No, I can’t have that finished by tomorrow. It will take an extra day or two.”

This is actually what normal people do. And this has major implications for your reputation as well.

In fact, one seasoned manager put it this way:

I keep reminding my team that if I'm delegating more than they can deal with then to let me know. Personally, I admire someone that speaks up and says they're at capacity - it shows self-awareness as well as the ability to ask for help.

But this still remains a big problem for many of us junior and even mid-level devs.

So I created a video to help you out here.

And I’ve included a diagram, a visual mental model, so that you’ll always know WHEN to say no, WHEN to say yes, and really how to make decisions overall.

This video just went live. Go check it out…




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