A TOUGH economy for Self-Taught devs

Layoffs have introduced top talent back into the pool of devs looking for jobs, essentially leaving you without a chance.

This economy is tough.

It wasn't easy when I was learning to code and started my job hunt, but I’m sure it was easier than it is now.

As you know, because of inflation there have been many layoffs. And these layoffs have introduced top talent back into the pool of devs looking for jobs.

And guess what?

We, self-taught newbies, get pushed out of the picture.


You’re made of the stuff it takes to break through the barriers and land those jobs anyway!

And that’s what my brand new YT video is all about.

In this video, I want to share a few clips from another video that exemplifies EXACTLY what it takes to succeed.

You MUST have this attitude.

And as always, I’ll provide some commentary and practical, actionable steps to get you moving in the right direction.

Go check out the video!

Talk soon.


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